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Quantidade de pessoas: 10 

Rota: Búzios / Arraial do Cabo

Duração: 4 horas (R$2500) ou 8 horas (R$4500)


SKU: 0005
  • Speed Boat 33’ AMALFI- FIGHTER CABRASMAR, with 2 motors MWM, GPS. Included on board: captain, Radio,  Electric Mile lighthouse, Toilet,  snorkeling equipments and life jackets , freshwater shower, water and soft drinks, barbecue grill, minibar, two single beds and one double bed.  The execution of the service depends on weather conditions.  Language: Portuguese, Spanish. Duration: 4 hours / Full day (8 hours). Capacity: 10 people. Departure Place: Armação Pier (Downtown). Route: West side of the peninsula (main beaches: Armação, Ossos, João Fernandes, João Fernandinho, Ilha Feia, Ilha Branca, Azeda, Azedinha, Manguinhos) with stops for swimming and snorkeling. Duration: three hours. Optional on board (extra): barbecue, grilled fish, prawns, caipirinha, wine, brazilian fruits, cold cuts board, sparkling wine and champagne. Useful Tips: Take towel and sunblock . Category: Private Tours.  

CNPJ 32266030/0001-30
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Av. Francisco Otaviano, 67 - 403
CEP 22080-040 - Copacabana - Rio de Janeiro

Brasil +5522998200888
Ibiza ‪+34 604 97 07 65

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